Next they ask, “Is there something you forgot to tell us? Wink. Wink. What my friends are really asking is, “Is there a new special someone in your life?”
My response paints a picture of disappointment on their faces…until I tell them why I am glowing.
It happened again today and it got me thinking. Funny how people associate “the glow” with a new found romance. In fact, “the glow” does radiate from a fulfilling romance, but it’s not the kind you're thinking. I am single with no prospects looming even in on the distance horizon. So why am I radiating? It’s because I am involved in a romance that is more fulfilling than any earthly romance.
No matter how right he is for me, how godly, or how compatible we are together, man cannot fill the ache in my heart. I’ve observed a plethora of relationships from “just friends” to sixty-plus years married and it’s an obvious fact that only the God of the universe is going to fill the void in my heart (and yours) because he planned it that way. Even the happiest of human relationships still leave me wanting. The God who created us made us to find satisfaction in him alone.
He sacrificed his perfect Son to have me.
His commitment to me will not end.
His covenant will not be broken.
His promises will never fail.
He loves me unconditionally.
He considers me beautiful.
He looks out for my best interest.
He provides for my simplest and most complex needs.
He doesn’t tire of listening to me.
He never rejects me.
He accepts me even when I reject Him.
He is faithful in His love toward me.
His forgiveness never runs out.
He won’t leave me or forsake me.
He picks me up when I fall.
He finds me when I hide.
He is what’s best for me.
His love for me is unmatchable.
He romances me beyond my wildest dreams.
He surprises me with what I would have wanted if I had His imagination.
His love is addicting and can’t help but give my life to him and want to tell others about Him so they can experience how wonderful He is.
How am I so confident in His love, you ask. The reason is Jesus Christ. Let me tell you about how this man has completely changed my life and how He can change yours as well.
Jesus was God’s only son who displayed God’s perfection as a man living on earth, but without sin. He came because all the rest of mankind rebelled against God by disobeying His commands. The penalty for their disobedience was death, which created a chasm in the relationship between God and man that could only be restored under certain conditions: Either man had to die, or a perfect sacrifice had to be made on their behalf. God loved the world so much that He chose to give His only Son as a sacrifice for the rebellion of His people.
Jesus Christ was born of a sinful human and lived a perfect life among imperfect people to teach them God’s love. Then, as the ultimate example and necessary sacrifice, he poured out his life through death on a cross. This was God’s plan for reconciling the world to Himself. He died the most horrific and gruesome death ever known in order to pay for the disobedience of God's people. You see God loves us so much that he provided a way for our relationship with Him to be restored completely, forever.
Every person now has a chance to experience the most fulfilling relationship known to man. Trusting in Christ’s payment for your own rebellion will enable you to spend eternity getting to know Him, instead of experiencing separation and wrath for eternity. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by committing to a relationship with Him. God paid for your wrongdoings and mine with the sacrifice of His Son.
The decision to trust and follow Him will lead you to a relationship of complete and lasting fulfillment like you can never experience with any other human being. Does this sound like something you want, but haven’t been able to attain? Will you turn from your rebellion and trust Christ’s payment for your offense toward God so you can have this fulfillment and start glowing with giddiness?
I haven’t always had this glow of contentment, but I’m thankful that God has wooed me in such a way that my heart is now falling more in love with him...who loved and pursued me first. The glow you see is the overflow of that love and affection. I’m experiencing the romance of a God who loves me more than any man is capable of here on earth. I am fulfilling my purpose in displaying his complete sufficiency.