It is so much easier to look at the future with eager anticipation while forgetting to enjoy the present. I've made it a point to remind myself this year to savor the moments of each passing day. God has a purpose in every minute detail of our lives. We can accept from His hand whatever he gives with thankfulness and joy because we know that He is good. He'll never give anything that will not ultimately be for our good and His glory.
I'm thankful for this season of life and all the blessings around me that I easily take for granted. Some are disquised as trials and heartache and some are obvious blessings that bring me joy and happiness like family and friends. If I'm not careful to rest in His plan for my life each day and savor the moments with family and friends, I will lose them forever.
There have been challenges this year with my transition back to the United States and there are questions still about what direction my life is heading. However, I choose to relish in this season for the time I have to spend with my brother, my mom and my grandparents. After four years of separation, it seemed as thought we were starting from scratch. Although I have changed into a strong and independent woman, I appreciate my family for who they are individually and as a whole more than ever before. I have learned, in order to love and appreciate others where they are, it is important to accept them unconditionally. We are only able to accept others as broken individuals when we come to terms with our own brokenness. That, I am learning, is a life-long process.
All of that leads me again thinking about my longings for the future. Why is there a constant ache for something more. It is because I wasn't made to be satisfied completely with anything here on earth. I will only find what my heart longs for when my savior comes to take me home. That is where all these unmet longings are leading me. "Here" is only a foretaste. I'm thankful for the hope of an eternal home where the table is set and preparations are being made for the homecoming banquet! I can't wait!! A glorious wedding day that will be!! All the pain and suffering we are experiencing now will vanish. The days are fleeting and heaven feels closer than ever. Some days I just want to be there already, but the work here isn't done. No, we must stay strong and focused so we can be a part of His kingdom coming...home!!
It is a great thing to appreciate what I have. I never want to lose sight of the blessings God gives each day.
Inspite of all my unmet longings and dreams for the future, I choose to claim this day as one the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. If not, I'll be the one to miss out!
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