Anyways, here goes some highlights from my week:

Helmet fun with my two year old class at NW Bible Church! This little boy was insistent that I wear this helmet while we worked on crafts together! I couldn't resist! Looks like we are ready to ride! Vrrrm...Vrrrm!!!
This is where I camped out all weekend working on a research paper for one of my biblical counseling courses. It was grueling, but we made sure to take a few good study breaks! My roommate and I checked out so many library books, a classmate called and ask to borrow some. Apparently, we took most of the books on developmental theories!
Friday night we "breaked" for a pumpkin party with friends! The party was hosted by Laura and Katherine, two of the most hospitable gals I know! They planned for marsh mellow roasting and pumpkin carving too, but we were all too engrossed in conversation and making s'mores! The pumpkins came home un-carved.
Sister, I am praying for you as your class load seems a bit harry. I love you and can't wait to see you at Christmas!