There are few words to describe just how I feel. There is so much anticipation looking toward the unknown, yet my heart is like a sponge soaking every last bit of goodness out of these last few drops of time. I was thinking today how odd it is that until you get ready to lose something, you don't fully experience what it means in your life. What a perplexity! Well, at least it gives us a reason to be thankful for these times of change. If things never did change, we wouldn't know just how good we had it. Hmph.
The last moments with someone you love always seem to be the sweetest. Somehow loving that person becomes sweet and bitter at the same time. You long to hang on, but you know deep down if you did then you'd end up souring the sweetness that God hath made by His grace. The proper posture in any relationship is to lay it down before the throne of God and say, "Not my will God, but your will alone be done". That is when a relationship can be truly blessed and cherished!
'Tis God's amazing grace that allows any at all to be at peace with Himself or anyone else. If you put your faith and trust in Him alone, then and only then are you enabled to have true peace. This inner peace will transform your entire life and begin to affect everyone around you too. I know this with unshakable confidence and experience it in my own life!